Lockdown 3.0 is bringing increasing challenges for organisations, as they adapt to working from home, self-isolation and continuing changes to government legislation. How is your organisation coping under these strains?
Right now, you may not be thinking about recruitment, however as you start planning for the year ahead, our expert team are always on hand to give advice and support to help your organisation adapt and grow. We have years of experience in the third sector and can understand the unique challenges faced in these uncertain times. We can support you to navigate the complexity of recruiting, taking away the headache and allowing you to manage staff easily and without distractions. Here we share some of our top tips for employers during this time…
Furloughed staff- holiday
Do you have staff on furlough? Are you worried about holiday accruement and how you will manage staff time off once restrictions are lifted?
Did you know…
Whilst staff are on furlough you can ensure holiday is well managed throughout the year by requiring employees to take holiday during this period. The scheme pays 80% wages, however whilst on holiday, you would be required to top up pay by 20%, to a full value of 100%. Holidays would then be deducted from the individual’s annual entitlement.
For required holiday, you would need to give an employee notice which was twice the length of time of the holiday due to be taken. So, for example, if you required staff to take 8 days holiday, they would need at least 16 days’ notice.
As we approach February school holidays and Easter, this may be a good time to contact furloughed staff regarding their holiday requests and ensure allocation is distributed throughout the year.
***Don’t forget if furloughed staff are due to take holidays, you will be required to ensure their pay is topped up to 100% during this time.*** If you would like to discuss business support with a member of our Recruitment or Payroll team you can contact us for a FREE chat and see how we can support your organisations. valyou@val.org.uk
