VAL YOU are excited to announce we will be welcoming visitors back to our meeting and training spaces in Stringer House from April 2021.
We understand the last year has been a difficult time for organisations, and we recognise there may be occasions where a face to face meeting was required, but with lockdown restrictions and potential financial constrictions, this may not have always been possible.
To support organisations at this time, throughout April, we will be implementing a ‘pay as you feel’ initiative for anyone who needs to use our meeting or training space at Stringer House.
Book a room during April and simply pay as much as you feel for the use of the space.
Occupancy numbers are much lower and social distancing must be adhered to at all times.
The team have undertaken a full risk assessment and implemented policies and procedures to ensure the safety of our staff and visitors. Anyone entering Stringer House will be asked to scan the QR code for NHS Test and Trace or alternatively complete the visitor questionnaire available at Reception.
Masks should be worn in central and shared areas, and hand washing and sanitising stations are widely available throughout the building. Extra cleaning procedures have been put in place and anti-bacterial spray and wipes are available for individual cleaning of areas.
If you would like more info on Covid-19 risk assessments at Stringer House please get in touch.
To find out more about the offer or to check availability please call the team on 0113 2977920 you can also email us at
We can’t wait to welcome you back!
*tea and coffee must be purchased at a cost of £1.50 per person
This offer is only available to non-profit organisations and community groups.